Showing posts with label brother. Show all posts
Showing posts with label brother. Show all posts

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Coming Soon

This time last year I was musing on my son's first year of life.  I was thinking of all the moments and memories that combine to make him the little person that he is, and that define our relationship.
While I always think on him and his little life, this time of year brings an even sharper nostalgia. 
This coming Monday he will be two. 

Happy Birthday, dear boy.

He is the light in my day.  He is why I do so many of the things I do.  He is the reason why I seemingly smile at nothing throughout the day when I am away from him.  I hate to leave him, and can't wait to get back when I do. 
He has made me who I am.  And even though in a few short months after his second birthday, he will become a big brother, he will always be first.  He is the one who MADE me a mother.  He has shown me that I can do so many things.  He has given me confidence in ways he will never know.
See you soon (but not too soon!), sweet girl.
Something I often wonder is if we made the right choice in moving here.  I hope that in this wide open space, our children are free to grow in character with no bounds.  I hope their minds expand and their bodies grow in tune with the earth and their surroundings. 
I hope more than I can ever put to words.