Friday, February 21, 2014

Finding Peace

I don't really feel like myself unless I'm engaging in regular physical activity outside.  Snowshoes have recently saved my life.  The vast amount of snow, and until very recently, the temperatures have kept me inside, running only on the treadmill.  That's just not enough.  I need to be outside, among the trees and breathe in clean, fresh air. 
In the past week, I've visited almost all of my spring, summer and fall hunts
in the fields and forests across the road.  Yesterday I made it back to the beaver pond and way up high above the marsh.
Moving through the forest, in the soft, deep snow, there is just the shush, shush, shush of my snowshoes.  At the pond it is completely silent.  A place to be alone with my thoughts.
Something has been missing since Christmas, but I've found it again, and all it took was for me to get outside.


Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Snowy Days

I really dislike weather complainers.  You know the type- those people who complain about what's going on outside no matter what.  Too cold, too wet, too hot, too snowy. 
I try hard to not be a weather complainer, but this winter is wearing on me.  It's almost always too cold to be out and about with a tiny little girl, and if it's not too cold, it's too snowy or too windy see where I'm going here.

I try to get out when I can, but even then, there isn't anywhere to go!  The snow is far too deep.  Up and down the driveway we go. 
I long for spring days when I can put her in the back pack, pull on my boots and head off across the fields.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Nothing to See Here

You know, there really isn't much to see on a frozen lake when it's covered in many feet of snow.  The shoreline holds some interest, but it's mostly just a vast, blank whiteness.  It was hard going today, too, even in snowshoes.  The snow is that deep.