Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Little Adventures

All my life I have loved walking in the woods and fields. Often I felt like I could never get enough- I always needed to see what was beyond the next curve or over the next hill. 

I am thrilled to see this adventuring spirit alive and thriving in my son Henry. During our hike last Sunday morning, he continuously pushed us onward, wanting to see what came next, and to find something new and exciting. I love this. 

The woods and fields surrounding our house are a playground and classroom when we walk, and I’m so happy to be able to watch my kids blossom out in nature. 

I hope Henry never loses his sense of adventure and curiousity and that we can continue to learn important lessons in the best classroom - outdoors. 

Friday, March 30, 2018

Happy Anniversary

We moved to Maple Lake on Easter weekend in 2011. Seven years. So much has changed since then. Henry is, well...7! And Clare has completed our family.  I no longer stand in the driveway and cry (yes, I did that a lot) wondering if I should just pack it all up again and go back. While I will always have a strong connection to what I left behind, here is my home now. 

I’m not sure exactly when it became that, but over the years I’ve gradually let go. I have always known suburban life wasn’t for me, but it’s hard to leave behind the familiar. 

If nothing else, my children have grounded me here. I want this life for them. For them to know the seasons intimately. To experience nature. To never have “nothing to do”.  

And of course I still never tire of my morning view.