Friday, March 28, 2014


At the moment it is pouring rain outside.  It' a dull and dreary day, and I don't mind it one bit.
Why?  Because it's something different.  We have had endless strings of gorgeous, sparkling days, but enough is enough.  This winter and early spring I have learned that, while beautiful, the same weather day after day gets monotonous.  Boring.  It seemed we were stuck in a rut of winter.
I crave the change in seasons.  It is so nice to see the great wheels of the seasons turning once again as we creep ever closer to warm weather.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Bright, Bright

Today was an absolutely stunningly bright early spring day. 
Perfect for strapping on snowshoes (and a baby) and heading out for a hike.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Early Evening Above the Falls

With the evenings staying lighter, I've managed to escape for a quick hike in the early evening provided we have an early dinner.  The other night I made it out to the river above the falls. 
I'm just aching for Spring to come and then we can walk in the evenings as a family.

Friday, March 7, 2014

From the Weather Book

February 1

February 2
Six more weeks of winter!  Afternoon lovely and sunny.

February 3

February 6

February 7
Snow, both light and heavy, all day.

February 9
Milder, with more snow.

February 10
Sunny, -20 in the morning.

February 15
Sun and wind.  Another cold night.

February 16

February 19

February 20
Sunny and warm!

February 21
Rain and snow.  Zero degrees.

February 23

February 27
Back into the deep freeze.

February 28

March 1
Snowy, -10C

March 2

March 4
Light snow.  Still cold.

March 5

Thursday, March 6, 2014

New Haunts

I set out for an afternoon snowshoe not knowing where to go.  I had visited all my old haunts recently, and was craving something new. 
I went through the swamp and climbed up a small valley.  From there, I just walked through the woods.  The hardwood forest made for easy walking and the sun was making the snow shine and sparkle all around.
Eventually I came across a creek bed.  I followed it down to the river above the falls.  I am so glad I found this creek as it serves to add to my knowledge of the geography back there.  I look forward to visiting it in spring, when it is overflowing with melt water.
The next time I visit this creek, I will hike up away from the river to find it's source.


Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Onward, Winter

Winter soldiers on. 
Yesterday I set out in the blowing cold and snow to visit the falls.  Getting there this time of year can be tricky, and I wouldn't recommend it to someone who hadn't visited in other seasons.  The water is quite high right now, and you never know what lurks beneath the surface of deep snow.  I stick to areas I know are safe, give wide berth to spots I know have water in other times and watch where the bigger animals are making their paths. 
It was a rewarding trip, although I am ready to see what Spring will bring.


Sunday, March 2, 2014


Early this afternoon I set out in the brilliant blue and sparkling white to hike through the woods to the place we call the second beaver pond.
As always, I came out of the forest feeling refreshed and so lucky to live in such a beautiful place.